The children who attend St. John the Baptist Catholic School happily anticipated All Saints Day by dressing up as their favorite saints on Friday, Oct 30.
Early in the morning the boys and girls arrived in full regalia, but also ready to study. Then they went to their classes where they were visited by costume adjudicators (a team comprised of SJB Pastor Fr. Augustine, School Rector Fr. Damien, and School Principal Mrs. Paula Viles). Best “saint” in each classroom was a combination of best costume + knowledge about the saint being depicted.
Following lunch they put on the 2020 (socially distanced) version of a long-standing SJB school tradition – the awesome Parade of the Saints, accompanied by, what else, “When the Saints Go Marchin’ In!”
The post WHEN THE SAINTS–IN–THE–MAKING CAME MARCHING IN first appeared on OC Catholic.